
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Obviously had to repost this!!

Thanks to for posting this graphic.  I love it and wholey agree! (is wholey a word?  - No it isnt, thanks Pat!  Wholly.


  1. Actually, it's wholly:) Now, I will tell you how I got people to follow my blog(thanks to Ted at Art w/Mr.E)POST, POST, POST! Leave comments on other people's blogs and post unique, thought provoking art projects, tips, strategies etc. I am now your 4th follower!


  2. My blogger friend Pat (and evidently fellow spelling freak) is your 4th follower, so I"ll be your 5th!

    Like she said, POST. And LABELS!!! After meeting the Liquitex guy at the national conference this week, I discovered they word-search the internet to see where their products are discussed. So when I spoke about them in my "gesso woes" posts, they found me. Amazing.


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