
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Crossing critters lesson

Based on visual problem solving, this project has students blending together an animal and an inanimate object.

Here is the lesson I present to students.

Crosslink Critters
Directions: Day One
1.     Start by dividing sketchbook pages into 2 sections.
2.     Select two items, one from the first category, one from the second category, or think of a similar item not listed.
3.     Try to “cross-breed” these two items in a drawing. (look at examples on the back.)
4.     Select another two and continue cross-breeding these into new creations.
5.     These are preliminary sketches for tomorrow.
Day Two
1.     Select one and draw it LARGE.
a.      Include a name for this new creation. 
b.     Also include a background/setting for the creature.
Day Three-and on
1.     Color using colored pencils, markers.

Grading Rubric

2 ideas in sketchbook                  20
Successful cross link                   20
Name and environment               10
Finished with color                     30
Craftsmanship                             20
Total                                           100

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

European Tour meeting Today and Tommorrow.

Tour to Europe!

Click on the tour to Europe to go to the EF tours website for our Spring Break 2017 Tour of Spain, France, and Italy.