
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Crossing critters lesson

Based on visual problem solving, this project has students blending together an animal and an inanimate object.

Here is the lesson I present to students.

Crosslink Critters
Directions: Day One
1.     Start by dividing sketchbook pages into 2 sections.
2.     Select two items, one from the first category, one from the second category, or think of a similar item not listed.
3.     Try to “cross-breed” these two items in a drawing. (look at examples on the back.)
4.     Select another two and continue cross-breeding these into new creations.
5.     These are preliminary sketches for tomorrow.
Day Two
1.     Select one and draw it LARGE.
a.      Include a name for this new creation. 
b.     Also include a background/setting for the creature.
Day Three-and on
1.     Color using colored pencils, markers.

Grading Rubric

2 ideas in sketchbook                  20
Successful cross link                   20
Name and environment               10
Finished with color                     30
Craftsmanship                             20
Total                                           100

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