Friday, August 16, 2013

Zaner-Bloser cursive alphabet for ribbon lettering

It is hard to believe how many of our 7-8th grade students have forgotten cursive!  This worksheet should help.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Syllabus

My new syllabus.   This is the PDF version.  I used Microsoft Publisher and Ms. Hanh noted that it would not show up. Thanks for the heads up! the actual publisher version is not so posterized.   Basically, I wanted a more vibrant version of my previous, boring syllabus.  I got the idea from my wife, who is doing a brochure as her syllabus, and also this Blog by Tona Hangen, associate professor of us history, Worcester State University.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to school!

Our first meeting of the year!  This is the fine arts vertical meeting in my room. Go tigers!  Students in 3 days!
For fun, I made the participants in our fine arts meeting (some whom are not art teachers) try the exquisite corpse game invented by the Surrealists!